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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Nitric oxide, prominent veins and erection in men

Prominent veins, especially on arms, are sexy in men. But why?
The key is Nitric Oxide.

How to get veins that pop out of your arms?
The biggest factor is Nitric oxide, the body produces lots of it in response to high testosterone level.

Nitric oxide is a commonly available weightlifting supplement essential for basic bodily functions, improves blood flow and delivers nutrients to muscles.

These supplements concentrate nutrients in your blood and muscles, thus increasing the surface area of your veins, making them "bulge" out of your skin.

Classically, androgens were thought to be linked to sexual activity in man through their action on increased libido. Recently, the sex hormone dependent nature of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), the enzyme system producing the neurotransmitter of erection (nitric oxide) has been reported. Our study evaluated how changes in testosterone levels alter erectile function.

Based on presented data we conclude that testosterone or a metabolite plays a direct role in erection acting through an effect on nitric oxide synthase within the corpora cavernosa.;jsessionid=3jxCgUiOwOU3pBi9SOLb.22


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