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Friday, September 10, 2010

Candida and Probiotics

Candida and Probiotics

Probiotics provide Candida-inhibiting activities of commensal bacteria that reside in the alimentary and vaginal tracts of humans. Probiotic microbes not only suppress the growth of Candida spp in the alimentary tract and vagina, but they also inhibit the adherence of Candida spp to epithelial surfaces(11).

Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria have the capacity to inhibit Candida spp.

Each strain can have a different effect. That is the reason, Custom Probiotics formulates and supplies single and multistrain highest potency and quality probiotic bacteria for maximum effectiveness. We perform rigorous independent lab testing to verify the bacterial count of every batch to guarantee the potency of our probiotic dietary supplements.

A variety of mechanisms have been evoked to explain the anti-Candida activity of the probiotics. Nutritional competition, blocking receptors to Candida spp., adhesions on epithelial cells, production of anti-Candida compounds, increasing intestinal peristalsis, increasing intestinal epithelial cell renewal rates, alteration of pH and the production of an anaerobic oxidation-reduction potential (C. albicans is an aerobic microbe) have all been proposed as mechanisms that probiotic bacteria use to inhibit pathogens on mucosal surfaces.
The ability of probiotic bacteria to stimulate innate and acquired immune systems in the host and activate phagocytic cells is also thought to play a role in the inhibition of Candida spp. It is very likely that because of the recognized complexity of the aerobic and anaerobic normal flora, all the above factors are involved in the suppression of Candida spp. on mucosal surfaces. As a result, the inhibition of Candida spp. by probiotic bacteria, in the alimentary and vaginal tracts, represents a key, first-line defense against mucosal and systemic candidiasis.

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